Making Art Work
Patsy Craig

Published by Trolley Books Text by Germano Celant
Price: £40.00


Mike Smith Studio produced a book that shows a selection of work from our archive. The book graphically documents how we produce art works, from the blueprint to the final product.

Includes interviews with the artists, and by William Furlong from Audio Arts as well as a critical text by Germano Celant, senior curator for Guggenheim, New York. The objective was to reveal how this collaborative process redefines an earlier form of art production linked with the Renaissance studio and a more unified vision of the arts and sciences. To revise studio practice and allow a view at the complexity of the production process that takes place here. To unveil what ultimately constitutes a history of art that remains widely misunderstood.

Published by Trolley Books

shortlisted for the Historians of British Art Book Prize 2005