
Dover Esplanade

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We created the high level lighting for the Dover Esplanade, designed by Tonkin Liu.


The ‘Three Waves’ project was a complete regeneration of the Dover Esplanade – a wave to walk on, a wave to rest on, and a wave to light your way.


The lights were mounted in a sequence of wave-shapes, mounted high above the esplanade. The white circles, hundreds of which stack and repeat to form the shapes, represent the bubbles in the surf as each wave crashes on the beach only metres away.


At night they cast the light down to the seashore, and during the day they are white against blue skies, looking like fine lace work.


We created patterns on our CNC Router which we used to position each circle correctly and built up the layers. Each piece was welded into place, then the final forms were powder coated and craned into position on site.